

Across Hedin Mobility Group, we strive to maintain transparency as well as high business ethics. Our whistleblowing service offers a platform to report suspected wrongdoings that affect people, our organisation, society, or the environment. The whistleblowing service makes wrongdoings less likely to occur in the first place and shows our commitment to operating in a fair way.

You play a crucial role in bringing forward any concerns regarding potential misconduct, whether it involves ethical breaches, violations of labour laws, or significant safety risks. While evidence is not required, all reports must be made in good faith.

You can raise your concern anonymously through our reporting channel, which is managed by a third-party provider, WhistleB.

Visit the channel: WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre



WhistleB ensures the anonymity of the whistleblower. The service is separate from the organisation's IT environment. WhistleB does not track IP addresses or other data that could identify a person sending a message. Messages are encrypted and can only be decrypted by designated individuals. WhistleB cannot decrypt and read messages.

© WhistleB 2022, with the right to be used and communicated by WhistleB customers