Customer Services
At Hedin Automotive London Ltd we strive to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. We hope that you are pleased with your purchase and the service you have received from us. However, if there is something you are not happy with, please let us know as we welcome your feedback and the opportunity to address any concerns you may have.
How do I raise a complaint?
If you are unhappy with your car/vehicle, or with the service you have received, you should initially contact your Showroom as they are best placed to address your concerns.
How can I pursue my complaint further?
If, after speaking with your Showroom, you feel that your issue remains unresolved, you can contact our Head Office Customer Services Team. You can contact them by email at: or if you’d prefer, you can write to them at: Head Office Customer Services, Hedin Automotive London Ltd, Brooklands Drive, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0SL.
What happens when I contact Customer Services?
Our Customer Services Team will take the lead on your complaint. In most cases they will need to liaise with the Showroom in question. They may pass your complaint on to them or provide you with the contact information for the appropriate legal entity for you to contact that is best placed to address your concerns.
Whilst we aim to resolve all complaints within five working days, please note that we do have up to eight weeks, if necessary, to provide you with a Final Response Letter in relation to your complaint.
I have received the Final Response Letter, but I am still not happy, how can I get an independent review?
If after you have received the Final Response Letter, you feel the matter remains unresolved, the Final Response Letter will provide you with the contact details of the legal entity you can refer the matter to for an independent review.
If your complaint involves a regulated finance or insurance product (for example, Car Finance or GAP insurance), your complaint will be directed to ITC Compliance who is our Appointed Representative 4 Monarch Court The Brooms, Emersons Green, Bristol, BS16 7FH, 0845 177 22 66 or 0117 4403700.
If your complaint does not involve a regulated finance or insurance product (for example an issue with how your vehicle has been serviced or repaired), you may choose to contact The Motor Ombudsman who is our appointed Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider for an independent review based on their New Cars, Vehicle Sales and Service and Repair Codes. Further information is available on their website at: or you can call: 0345 241 3008.
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